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Article © MAIL User: xzorby

Quarnity is a weave that is closely related to Trinitymaille and Oops (European 4 in 1 Unbalanced). If you already know how to weave Trinity, then this will be easy. This is not an easy weave to start however, as it spirals in on itself (like Trinity).

Every ring goes through 4 others; 3 on one side and 1 on the other - similar to Oops. However, where Oops alternates (ie 3 left, 1 right - 1 left, 3 right - etc.); this weave is actually straight (ie 3 left, 1 right - 3 left, 1 right - etc.. Like Trinity, but 4-1).

I would suggest a minimum AR of 5 - however it looks better in a bigger AR (this tutorial uses an AR of 7).

Start by making a simple fivelet, with three rings added:
Image: rimg0050.jpg

Then "spiral" those 8 rings in on itself, and lay them down like this (you don't have to open/close any rings for this):
Image: rimg0051.jpg

To expand the first row to the right, add two closed rings and an open one, to the two upper rightmost rings in the previous step. This is like weaving [European 6 in 1], but only going through the top row (you leave the bottom one alone):
Image: rimg0053.jpg

Continue like this to make a longer chain:
Image: rimg0055.jpg

Because this weave tends to spiral like Trinity, you will probably end up with something like this, at some point:
Image: rimg0056.jpg

In that case, spiral it back into shape until you have something like this again:
Image: rimg0057.jpg

To add another row, all you have to do is add a closed ring and an open ring to 3 rings from the previous row.
This is very similar to Trinitymaille, but instead of going through 2 rings from the previous row, every open ring goes through 3 (plus a closed one):
Image: rimg0058.jpg
Image: rimg0059.jpg

Keep adding rings in a similar way. The more rows your piece has, the less it tends to spiral in on itself.
Image: rimg0060.jpg

Keep weaving, and you'll end up with a nice piece of Quarnity!
Image: rimg0062.jpg
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