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Article © MAIL User: Corvus

Megara is a weave by Corvus and a Byzantine variation named after the ancient city in Attica Greece where the founders of Byzantium originated from.
Used here 1.2mm copper wire 6mm ID for the large rings and 1mm copper wire 4mm ID for the smaller rings (AR of 5 & AR of 4 are perfect for this weave (Ed - note different wire diameter used)).

Start with 4 closed and 8 open small rings.
Image: megara1.jpg

Step 1
Put 4 closed small rings onto a large ring and close it.
Image: megara2.jpg

Step 2
Add another pair of small rings to the 2 pairs on the large ring, like so.
Image: megara3.jpg

Step 3
On one set of these fold back the first 2 rings a la Byzantine, like so.
Image: megara4.jpg

Step 4
Repeat and repeat again on the other side, like so.
Image: megara5.jpg

Step 5
Pick up the 4 'inside' rings with a large ring, like so.
Image: megara6.jpg

Add 4 closed small rings to the large ring then close it.
Image: megara7.jpg

Repeat Step 2.
Image: megara8.jpg

Repeat Step 3.
Image: megara9.jpg

Repeat Step 4 etc etc.
Image: megara10.jpg

Image: megara.jpg
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