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Sagittarian Weave
Article © MAIL User: MaxumX

Welcome back to Max's school of weaving maille. Today we'll cover Sagittarian Weave.

For this you will need 18g 5/16, 18g 1/4 and 20g 5/32 rings

To start out you'll have to weave a small section of European 4 in 1 one unit wide, using the 18g 5/16ID rings.
Image: sagittarian01.jpg

StepTwo: Now we have to use 18g 1/4 rings to add this unit as shown
Image: sagittarian02.jpg

StepThree: Continue to add these 1/4 rings so that they are not interconnected.
Image: sagittarian03.jpg

StepFour: You'll need to do this to both sides.
Image: sagittarian04.jpg

StepFive: Fold the weave in half backwards so that the 1/4 rings touch each other on the back side and flip the section over.
Image: sagittarian05.jpg

StepSix: Weave in the 20g 5/32ring into the 1/4 ring holding them in the half folded state.
Image: sagittarian06.jpg

StepSeven: Continue to do this until you have completed the length of 4in1.
Image: sagittarian07.jpg
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