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Persian Dragonscale - Weaving and Joining
Article © MAIL User: ChaosSeraphim

Persian Dragonscale

The rings used in this tutorial are 12 ga (2mm) 1/2 inch galvanized steel for an approximate AR of 4.8. This gives a nice chain that's not too tight or loose.

Weaving Persian Dragonscale

Make an open-hung strip of European 4 in 1 about one and a half times as long as your finished chain.

Image: pdsc1.jpg

Connect three outer rings together to make Half Persian 3 in 1.

Image: pdsc2.jpg

Continue to edge with HP along the entire edge.

Image: pdsc3.jpg

Repeat on the other side while stacking the rings to make a mirror image.

Image: pdsc4.jpg

Connect four of the new HP rings together to make Euro 4-1.

Image: pdsc5.jpg

Continue along the entire length of your chain.

Image: pdsc6.jpg

Connecting Persian Dragonscale

Bring the sides of your chain together so the grain of the Euro 4-1 on the bottom matches.

Image: pdsj2.jpg

Connect your two sides at the Euro 4-1 while maintaining the grain.

Image: pdsj3.jpg

Continue the HP sides.

Image: pdsj4.jpg

Add connector rings to complete the Euro 4-1 on the top and you're done.

Image: pdsj5.jpg
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