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Making a Protectional Glove
Article © MAIL User: Emil

Ok, this is the story. I got fed up with having to pause every five minutes when cutting my coils so i designed this glove:
Image: emilsglove.jpg
I found this very useful and thought that i had to share the idea. So, here goes:

NOTICE! Make sure that all straps are attached so they sit quite tight. If not, the glove might not work very well.

First you cut out a piece of soft leather as follows:
Image: glove1.jpg

Then you attach two straps of thicker leather like so. These straps should then be attached on the back side of the hand at the two Xs:
Image: glove2.jpg

After that, you attach a strap here (the strap is supposed to go around under the thumb and to the back side of the hand):
Image: glove3.jpg

After that you put a lock or a hook or whatever you wish like this (in the circle):
Image: glove4.jpg

If you like, you can put a string between the ring finger and middle finger to keep the glove in place.

I hope these instructions are helpful for you all. Please give me feedback if you have possible improvements in mind.
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