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King's Maille
(European 8 in 2) to European 6 in 1
Article © MAIL User: Quizad Saderack

This article serves as an example of how one can turn King's Maille (European 8 in 2) into European 6 in 1 or vice-versa. This is a simple way of making maille stronger or more flexible. I must warn thee that King's Maille is less stretchy, and narrower, thus creates a contraction, and 6-1 makes for an expansion. In some cases, this is just what you need! It's great for well-padded shoulders, yet flexible sleeves. And a King's Maille border would eliminate much drooping at the end of sleeves, or coifs' lower face band.

Image: kingto6in1.jpg

I simply highlighted the two rows involved in the connection.

Picture is 14ga 3/8ID AWG galvy with very bad snip cuts. I'm now a disciple of score and break.

Keep weaving!
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